Today marks my first year of blogging here. I've enjoyed seeing everyone's blogs. You can tell by the length of my Blog Roll it keeps growing. I keep finding more blogs I like. I also have enjoyed reading all your comments through the year.
Since it seems to be fallish outside, the cooler weather is here, I changed my template again. A new year, a new look I guess.
I am hoping to finish off World Grand Champion over the weekend. Monday at the latest. I've been going to my parents house quite abit so haven't stitched on it a whole lot. My mom is doing well but because she is unable to get around easily we prefer to have someone with her as much as possible. That way if she were to fall someone would be there. Of course, their dog, Autumn just knows we are there for her and for her to command! LOL! She loves it when I come as I do take her for good walks. I should say she takes me.
Okay, I give up on the Wagon! I keep falling off. Once again, I bought patterns I could not resist! I have no will power! Even trying 10 was impossible for me should I try again?
The other day my mom and I watched a really good video I highly recommend but is hard to find. It's called The Ultimate Gift put out by Fox Studios. It's about a young man who has to pass several "tests" before he gets his inheritance from his grandfather. At first he is very self centered and arrogant. Than a mother and daughter enter his life and teach him a lot. Warning you will want to have kleenix nearby as it is a tear jerker. I have to find it to buy it, my niece loaned us her copy.
The piece I am showing here I did for my brother and sister-in-law several years ago. It really was a fun piece to do and I really was happy with how it turned out in the frame. It is called Evening Gathering by Sporting Masters if I remember right.
Wednesday night was the first night of Adventure Club for the year. We didn't have very many kids as the Teens don't start until next week so more will come in with the older brothers and sisters. It was a fun night for those who were there though. I'm working with the 5th graders this year. I had this group when they were Preschool & Kindergarten, then 3rd grade, and now again in 5th. We know each other well. I've also been asked to do the Missionary Stories for the kids that come with their parents to our Contemporary Service on Saturday evenings this year. We have the service once a month. The turnout has been very poor for that which is disappointing. Hopefully it'll get more publicized this year and more will come. We just started it out last spring and didn't do it through the summer.
Also Sunday our SS Contest launches off. We also are having a push for the Food Pantry. We did well for the first year but now the donating to it has slacked off. One Sunday morning I went to the pantry and about had a heartattack we were so low on food. I knew a couple of people got food but they must have really taken a lot. So I asked Pastor to announce we needed food, it's coming in and this Food drive will help us. For the Harvest Festival Drive this year people can either give food or donate money to it. Then I get to go shopping and that's fun. Shopping for food for the Pantry that is.
Oh you will notice I added a few links to sites I like. The one is my church one. There are pictures of me. One of the spots is Featured person. I've been featured person since almost the beginning of the site. But my ugly picture is there, and a few other spots. I wanted to give them my cat's picture but they wouldn't let me!
Well, I've chatted plenty this time. Until next time. Happy Stitching!