I've been in a stitching and blogging slump. My goal was to post 100 times this year and to do more pieces than I did last year. Well.....those are just 2 of several goals I had for ths year that will not be meant. I didn't do an ornament a month, I didn't do a Thomas Kinkaid piece, nor a Marjolein Bastin piece. I know the year is not over but lets be real...thy won't get done.
My mom had her back surgery almost 2 weeks ago. It was touch and go for awhile but she's recovering in a Nursing Home for now until she can do more for herself. She's adjusting fine but knows she will be going home in a couple of weeks so that helps.
Happy Halloween everyone! This piece should have been further along but like I said I am in a stitching slump and until the last couple of days didn't stitch much at all. Today nothing much will get done as have to go to a funeral before long and then get some apple cider and donuts for Trunk or Treat tonight.
We have had Trunk or Treat at our church the last 3 years now. The neighbors just expect it now and look forward to it. Inside I will be serving apple cider and donuts to the people. It's suppose to be a cold night so probably Char will be heating the apple cider up. Char is our Pastor's wife and is helping me with it as the person who was going to backed out. Well she did give me quite a bit of notice so that was good and has a good reason.
Has Swine flu hit your area? It's hit here, I know a lot of people with it including my own nephew. So far they have done okay. We're just hoping my brother and Wendy don't catch it from Andrew, since his mother was so kind and sent Andrew to Tim when he got it. Not going there, I was so angry. Tim has health issues he would not do well if he got swine flu...We're also making sure mom and dad don't go around them.
Well, until next time Happy Stitching and Happy halloween!