My sister is coming in to town later today. So the next couple of days I won't get much stitching in. We'll probably just relax tonight, doing our running around tomorrow and then play games whenever.
My small garden is doing good except for one of the hydrangea plants. The first one that got planted just never really took off well. Now the one planted later is really doing good and new buds are even coming up. I'm hoping next year the plants will really do well. Everyone tells me it takes a year or two for them to really get going. I also wonder if the first one is getting too much sun. I've been pruning it but then someone told me not to prune it, just let it take care of itself. But I don't know some of those leaves and flowers are pretty dead. But like I said the second one is doing great and the rest of the flowers are doing good.
August will be a busy month. Several of my nieces and nephews will be coming in from out of state. Each week someone is coming in except for the first week and last week some will be leaving. I'm looking forward to seeing them again. I haven't seen Jeremy, who lives in AZ in 4 years.
Well...until next time. Happy Stitching!