Sunday, December 14, 2014

I have moved

I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. Things just got crazy. Plus I found out my new apartment was ready for me so last week was spent packing etc. Very little cross stitching has been done.

My brother is in the hospital for a week to a month. We left his cat at the apt. thinking that would be best for her but she's not eating! So tomorrow a friend and I are going to take her to her house until my brother gets home. I know it's preferred the cat stay at home, but to get there every day since I don't drive is impossible. I went there Thurs. and another brother went there Friday and Sat. today she'll be left along, but tomorrow morning my friend and I will go get her. She is a very social cat. And since Aug. she was taken to Friends to felines, then my brother adopted her, my mom and nephew lived with my brother, my mom died, my nephew moved out and now my brother isn't there, she needs reassurance that she is okay. I feel it's best for Jody to take her, and hopefully my brother will be home before Jody goes to CA. Another friend will take her then if not. I'm almost thinking it would have been best just to let Marilyn take her now but I had already told Jody she could take her. I hope I'm not making a mistake.

Saturn seems to have adjusted to this move pretty well. He's checking everything out. Fortunately he is a calm cat. I really think I'll like it here once I get settled. But man was I a mess yesterday. And so disorganized. Tomorrow I'll go back and clean up and then be done with the apt. It's just a block away, same complex. Just on main level. Which I needed. I hope to find my stitching and get back to it this week.

Well....until next time Happy Stitching!


Barb said...

It's a few hours later and I got a call from my brother, Kevin, that Tim will be coming home tomorrow or Tuesday. Also he told me earlier today that the cat was eating so we decided to leave her in her own home. I will still go there tomorrow.

Von said...

Things did get crazy for you! Hope it all settles down as you settle in. :)