Good evening! And an early Happy New Year. Who isn't happy to see 2020 over? It's been a year to go down in history for sure. Only problem is 2021 isn't starting any better for most of the country. Here in MI the virus counts have been going down but it doesn't sound like it is in rest of country.
I finished the Baby Cheetahs a couple of days ago. They were so much fun to do, I hated to see them end. Now I'm doing Baby Pandas from the same book. They are going okay, not as fun as the cheetahs but the cheetahs didn't start out all that fun either. Once it comes to life, it'll be more enjoyable. The Cheetahs are going to Mya who loves Cheetahs, and the Pandas are going to her younger sister, Kylie, who loves Pandas.
Update on Mya is really good. Her parents finally got good news. The cancer in her tibia bone is shrinking, the cancer in femur bone and lungs has not grown at all, and the infection in her lungs is gone. I don't know at this point if that means she will have surgery next week or not. I think it depends on her counts which have been low.
Have a Happy New Year everyone. Hope it's better than 2020 was. Until next time.....Happy Stitching!
Such cute stitching , and good news .
Happy New Year.
Gorgeous stitching - and such good news! Happy New Year to you and your family
Look at those baby cheetahs, they are adorable! I'm looking forward to seeing the pandas too. How nice that sisters will get them both.
Excellent news for Mya! Hopefully 2021 will be a better year for us ALL.
So happy to hear Mya and her family has had some good news! Praying that the surgery will happen soon. The Baby Cheetahs are adorable!! Congrats on your finish.
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