Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another quick finish

I decided once a week I would take a break from Dolphin Splash to do an easy quick piece (1-3 days piece).  This one caught my eye and I liked it.  Reminding me God was only a Prayer Away.  We adults forget how easy it is to approach God how He wants in on every detail of our lives.    One of our Pastors said he loves it when young children pray as it's so simple yet genuine and they have the right idea, they tell God everything.  Our little Addie was at a family dinner with her dad's family and Heather (Addie's mom and my niece) said Addie had to pray, and she named every member of the family in her prayer (unfortunately about 20-25 members.  They kept trying to say "Thank You Addie, but Addie kept on praying for each person telling God a little something about them."    She was only 2 at the time, now she's 3.  But we adults like to complicate things handle things ourselves and forget God unless we are really in a mess.  God likes the child like faith, the child like prayer in telling Him everything.

Tomorrow I am have an eng to see if the can get to the bottom of my vertigo and the lightheaded problems I've been having.  It wasn't suppose to be until late Aug. but they called yesterday and said they had a cancellation so I could come in tomorrow.  Fine I'll get it over with.  It's been cancelled twice on their end so we're finally doing it.

Anyone ever do this?  Dump expired milk down the drain only to discover their garbage disposal isn't working and everything backs up?  Ugh!!!!  And I hate milk  So I call the office of course, it's Wed.l no one is there!  So I leave a message, then track down a maintenance guy and told him.   He told me what to do which is what I had already done, left a message on the voice mail and they'd get it in the maitenance office.  I had hoped they would come today but it's almost 5 and they are not here yet!

I keep finding more and more blogs to read and like.  I so enjoy reading the blogs,  I'll go to reading some more in a few minutes.

I'll go back to stitching Dolphin Splash for a few days tomorrow.  Until then Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

I love the story of Addie and how it relates so well to your cross stitch piece. I love the stitching.

Sorry to hear about the milk and disposal issue.