Friday, September 11, 2015

Progress on America

What a morning this has been. My brother called me and said he needed to bring his cat over as he was going to be in the hospital for med adjustments for a few days. So I said fine. The last time Snowball was here Saturn (my cat) and her got along fine. So when Tim dropped her off I immediately opened the carrier and let her out. BIG MISTAKE!
Saturn tore right into Snowball even under the bed fighting. I broke it up within a couple of minutes. Left Snowball in the bedroom and brought Saturn to the living room. I was so upset! I called my friend Jody and asked her if Snowball could stay with her and she said yes. So Jody came and got her, we went to Tim's to get the kitty litter box as here I had planned on them sharing it like they did before. And I had to buy Kitty litter from the store. We got to Jody's, of course snowball hid under the bed while I was there. Believe me I was a complete basket case I was so upset and hyper. After I left Snowball warmned up to Jody and snooped around the house. Snowball had seen Jody before so she wasn't a stranger. I'm calming down now. Last time Snowball was here she wouldn't let him on his cat tree. Maybe that's why he wasn't welcoming. But they say cats are territorial and don't exactly welcome new cats right away. So much for my thoughts about adopting Snowflake or Adam from Faithful. Not going to now.

I ran out of floss this past week to finish page 9 so I started page 4. These two pages are both going fairly easy, not so much confetti stitching on these two pages. I needed a break from that!

Today being 9-11 a significant day in history so this piece is appropriate for this time of year. Do you remember what you were doing when you heard the news. I had just woken up and my brother called me. I turned on the tv and basically was glued to the tv for most of the day.

Well...until next time! Happy Stitching.


Terri said...

I don't think there is anything worse than cats fighting! I'm glad you and the kitties weren't hurt!

Heather said...

Your stitching looks great! At least you had someone to take snowball to so you didn't have to worry about keeping them apart this whole time.

Annie said...

This piece is wonderful! Looking forward to seeing it grow:)

stitchersanon said...

Cat fights are nasty..glad you kept all your fingers! Stitching is lovely.

Tiffstitch said...

Wow, I hope you didn't get scratched! And great project to work on today. I was getting ready for university and running late and I ended up missing a whole class.

Linda said...

Wonderful progress Barb.
