Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More Progress on Snow Ho Ho

I stitched on this piece quite a bit this past week and have gotten quite a bit further. The beard is sort of monotonous because of the boring colors but it's going good. I love working on this piece.

I just got back from my parents house. Because mom falls so easy dad doesn't like to leave her alone too long. Before long I'll go and walk my brother's dog and see if he's doing any better. For some reason lately he is also falling down very easily and just is confused sometimes. He's having a MRI later on today to see what is going on. He is not a drinker so we know alcohol isn't the problem.

Anyone have plans for Thanksgiving. I'm going to my brother's house. Can't wait, I get to see baby Johnny. l Did I say baby? He's going to be 2 next month. Can you believe that! He's getting into all the mischief he can and keeps his mother on her toes!

I hope to finish off the Thanksfulness piece and post it tomorrow. It's been a while since I've had a finish!

Well...until next time....Happy Stitching!


Tama said...

I think he gets cuter every time I see him!
good luck getting that finish done!

Cindy F. said...

Great progress!!

Our son is coming in. He lives 4 hours away. The rest of our family is spread out all over the place:(

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Lori said...

His character is showing and growing. Keep up the great work.

Have fun with your family.

Dawn B. said...

This is comming along nice. You'll have it done in no time.

Marita said...

The stitching is looking lovely.

I hope your family problems get sorted out and everyone can enjoy Thanksgiving without getting sick.

stitcherw said...

Wow, you're just flying along on this, he looks great. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving and everyone was doing well.

Anonymous said...

nice work...yes, you can:-)
kisses from luxemboug

Sharon said...

Nice progress!

Sylvie said...

Great progress!