Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lighthouse Start

Good Afternoon! I started this piece a couple of days ago and it's really stitching up fast. I love working on it. I love doing beach scenes, especially Lighthouses. So where my friend Sherry saw the pattern of these two lighthouses I jumped at the chance to do them. This is the first one of the two. They are in the same book as the beach chairs were in . This piece will be finish 27 towards the 50 challenge and the next lighthouse 28. I'm getting closer and closer to the 50 mark! I've made it further this time than any previous attempt so I think I'll make it to the end this time.

Today we had a pork barbeque after church. I had every in tension of going but I got no sleep last night. For some reason things seemed awfully noisy around here. So I slept until 9 and didn't even get out of my pajamas until after 11. I just had no energy. So for lunch I made my own barbeque and pretended I was there. For some reason I don't make the best barbeque. Not too great at chicken either.

Tuesday night we are having our Secret Sister exchange. I made a piece a few years ago and framed it and it still looks very nice so I'll give that to my SS as her gift. It is a design by Britter Cup called Believe in the Lord.

Thank you for your comments to my posts. I love getting them. I love reading everyone's blogs too.

Well....until next time Happy Stitching!


twinpeakprimitives said...

Light House is coming along so beautifully!!!

Look forward to seeing its progress..

Carol said...

Way to go, Barb--27 finishes is awesome!! I love lighthouses, too, and hope to stitch one in July...Yours is off to a great start.