Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

This little Halloween witch and I are just stopping in to say Have a Happy and Safe Halloween! Enjoy the little trick or treaters tonight. That is something I miss they don't allow trick or treating in our apt. complex and I use to love seeing the children in their costumes and giving them their candy. Now days you have to be careful so most apt. complexes around here just don't allow it. A lot of people take their children out to the mall or to parties.
I did this piece several years ago. Not even sure where I found her. I think a magazine but not sure on that.


jymisgurl said...

Very cute!

Pumpkin said...

Cute witch Barb :o) I believe the pattern is by Leisure Arts but I could be wrong. Happy Halloween!

Arthemise said...

Cute witchie poo! I have that pattern somewhere from a magazine.

CindyMae said...

Another adorabel Halloween piece. I just love it! It is to bad that do not allow trick or treating in your apartment complex. I will be posting picks of my kids later tonight or tomorrow . . .so you can see them! ;)

Sara said...

Cute witch! It really is a shame you can't have trick or treaters in your complex. I'm missing them too this year because of work but my husband tells me we had a ton, just had enough candy. Hope you've had a good Halloween!

Meari said...

Your little witch is really cute. Too bad about your apt complex not allowing trick-or-treaters.

Leeland said...

I really love this little witch! The pumpkin and cat are also great!
Keep going with the teacher: she's a treat to see on your blog!
Plus charity stitching!!! When do you sleep? lol... It's great, Barb!
Take care!